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Child, Adolescent, and Adult Counseling
Group Therapy - Serenity Behavioral Health Services

Kelsey Hoisington, MEd, LPCC

Clinical Therapist and Group Therapy Leader

Kelsey been a board-certified music therapist since 2013 and graduated with her master’s in Clinical Mental Health/Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling from Ohio University in 2021. She leads her music therapy group by using structured musical activities to facilitate emotional expression, social interaction, and therapeutic goals including trauma recovery and more.

wellness center - group therapy

Anne Price, MA, LPCC-S

Clinical Therapist, Supervisor, and Group Therapy Leader

Anne has over 34 years of experience helping clients with substance abuse issues, PTSD and complex trauma, anxiety and depressive disorders, self-esteem and relationship issues, grief/loss, and more. She helps clients in group settings and individual settings discover personal insights that promote psychological health and elevates clients into a better version of themselves.

The experience of trauma can contribute to the development of anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Our Building Resilience groups (one for teens aged 14 – 17 and one for adults) will help you learn ways to process your trauma responses and help you develop coping strategies to help deal with triggers and strong emotions.

DBT or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a cognitive behavioral based therapeutic modality designed to work primarily on changing behaviors through skill building techniques. It is both a talk and action therapy with four emphases including mindfulness, emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance.

The core therapeutic goal of DBT is to balance opposites and the skills taught in DBT help individuals find a healthy balance between the primary dialectic: acceptance and change. Acceptance involves embracing the reality of the present moment as it is, while change refers to the actions one takes to move forward or grow within that reality.

DBT has a wide variety of applications to help one manage symptoms of depression, anxiety, past trauma, addictions, and personality disorders as well as other mental health conditions.

Group therapy addresses the way we think, feel, and behave.
By integrating the mind, body, and spirit in the healing process, individuals learn to address their personal challenges in order to gain serenity, inner peace, and well-being. Our groups provide safe, affirming spaces that empower each participant through learning new skills and honoring each person’s experiences. Our staff understands the importance of supporting you with high-quality mental health counseling services during your journey.

How do I join a group?  You must be a current client actively receiving individual therapy with one of our therapists. Discuss your interest in joining a group with your therapist, who will then communicate to our Intake Department which group you should join.  If you would like more information about our groups or group therapy, please contact our Intake Department at 614-948-3273.  Group therapy fees are private pay only, $50/session/person.

CBT Group
Change your thinking, tame your feelings, change your life.

What does it mean to have an Open Group, a Closed Group, or a Hybrid Group?
Open Group: Members join and leave periodically

Closed Group: No new members may join once the group is established

Hybrid Group: Members may participate in person or remotely.

Most of our groups are open - meaning you can join at any time.

TUESDAYS, 5:00pm – 7:00pm    |    Led by Kelsey Hoisington, LPCC
8-week rotation, open group

Learn from the lives of others, support each other in their journey, develop new skills to take control of pain, and live a fuller life. Group members can participate remotely, if needed. 

This group will focus on the following: Cognitive Behavior Therapy Basics: Triggers, Emotions, and Coping with Pain; Pain-Control Strategies; Mind-Body Medicine; Connections between Thoughts and Pain; Cognitive Strategies: Pain and the Brain; and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Strategies for Pain Management 

All group members are encouraged to purchase The Pain Management Workbook by Rachel Zoffness, MS, Ph.D. Use this link to purchase The Pain Management Workbook: 

MONDAYS, 5:00pm – 7:00pm     |     Led by Eric Clontz, LPCC
open group

DBT Skills Building Group

Learning to manage your life better

Rhythmic Therapy Group
Explore healing and wellness through music and movement.

Linda Strapp, MSW, LISW-S

Clinical Therapist, Supervisor, and Group Therapy Leader

Linda's counseling background includes work experience with children and adolescents while at the Huckleberry House, Nationwide Children's Hospital MST program, and Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma. While at Mount Carmel, she worked with adults and facilitated groups for sexual assault survivors and parenting groups to help strengthen skills and understanding of their relationship with their child.

About our Group Leaders

Eric Clontz, MA, LPCC

Clinical Therapist and Group Therapy Leader

Eric has years of experience leading groups and helping clients improve their self-confidence, process traumas and grief, improve self-awareness, and discover ways to work through problems rather than avoiding them.

Serenity Wellness Center

635 Park Meadow Road, Suite 107

Westerville, Ohio 43081

WEDNESDAYS 6:00pm to 8:00pm    |    Led by Anne Price, LPCC-S
8-week rotation, open group

This AOD support group provides a safe space for people in recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction. Group participants come together in support of each other to learn and utilize new coping skills that strengthen a personal journey to recovery and helps prevent relapse. This group is a combination of a positive support and mental health therapy, which as research shows, is a combination that is key to sustaining recovery with minimal to no relapse episodes.

THURSDAYS 10:00am to 12:00pm    |    Led by Marshall L. Myers, LPCC-S
15-week rotation, open hybrid group (in person or remote)

This group is specifically designed for individuals who are struggling with depression and anxiety.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the most researched form of therapy and the primary modality used to treat depression, anger, and anxiety. Your group leader will use CBT skill building exercises to help group members build new coping skills, confidence, self-esteem, interpersonal relationship skills, and to promote change.  
All group members will be encouraged to purchase the CBT Skills workbook by Dr. Barry M. Gregory

Marshall L. Myers, MA, LPCC-S

Clinical Therapist and Group Therapy Leader

Marshall uses a variety of therapeutic approaches to help clients improve their overall sense of well being. He has been a group leader for several years working with those struggling with trauma, depression, anxiety, anger management, personality disorders, and addictions.

Group activities include music listening, song discussion, group drumming, meditation, mindfulness, music & art, and more. Activities are designed to reduce stress, build coping skills, increase mind-body awareness, foster self-expression, and create a sense of community. Open to adults 18 and over. No music experience is necessary to participate.

WEDNESDAYS, 10:00am to 12:00pm (ages 14-17), 5:00pm to 7:00pm (adults)
6-week rotation, closed group    |    Led by Linda Strapp, LISW-S

Building Resilience (trauma) Group
Overcome barriers and learn to cope with traumatic events.

Pain Management Group

Take Control of Pain

WEDNESDAYS 5:00pm to 7:00pm    |    Led by Marshall L. Myers, LPCC-S
8-week rotation, open group

Alcohol and Other Drugs Recovery Support Group